This blog is a place where everyone can post their concerns about God, same-sex attraction / gay orientations, ex-gay ministry, or even ex-ex gay ministry. We are interested in what people genuinely think and feel on the inside, not necessarily what they are told to think or feel. Praying, Sharing and researching are all vital tools in bringing clarity to the topic of same-sex attraction. The blog is to look at same-sex attraction from every angle : scientific, biochemical, spiritually, morally, emotionally, politically, socially, denial issues, toxic reactions, appropriate responding, healthy living, pursuing sexual purity, acceptance of being created as a sexual being, abusive behaviors, etc. Feel free to post your ideas and internet links, so we can view them. Ideally we would like to collect the feedback to create a book about the reality of same-sex attraction. We are also interested in creating a framework that churches could use in their churches, so men and women with same-sex attraction can be real as well as embraced in their churches while walking through life with Christ. We are overwhelmed at the millions of men and women with same-sex attraction who have to sit quietly every Sunday at church, without being able to share with anyone how they really feel inside. Fake fellowship is the death to spiritual growth, and real fellowship (being genuine with what is really going on inside) is the path to emotional health and spiritual growth. God's got a better plan for the church and that involves creating a place where ALL people can share what is taking place on the inside. With that said, this blog is created to make a positive and lasting change in the both the church and the world. This blog is to focus primarily on same-sex attraction (something the Bible is silent about), not forbidden types of sexual activity (which the Bible addresses). All subjects are considered, but we would like to focus on living a healthy life in Christ as a person who is aware of the issue of same-sex attraction in their lives, and not as a person who pretends same-sex attraction is non-existent. MJH

Thursday, February 11, 2010


"Wide Open Spaces : Beyond Paint By Number Christianity" is a great book that really confronts and challenges "American Christianity". The book is about a man called by God to build a large church, and then surprisingly, calling him to leave it. His time away from the "busy American church" became a time where God spoke to his heart about what Christianity really is.

One of the focuses of the book deals with the reality of "Christ in you, the hope of glory" - A focus acknowledging that God lives in a lot of the people around you, and isolating yourself from these people therefore cuts off God's ability to speak to you. "These people", however, are not just the people who go to your particular church or denomination. They are the people you bump into everyday as you go about your daily work. Many churches would have you believe that God only dwells and operates in their church , denomination, or special group, however the Bible calls this belief system a work of the flesh.

Jim also addresses the fact that many men have walked closely with God, even before the Bible was ever written or even put together. He also mentions how many today can worship a book (the Bible) rather than God, himself. Although the Bible is a book about God and points to God, it is not God. It's similar to going to a restaurant and handed a menu about the food that is available at the restaurant. Eating the menu will not sustain your body, but eating the food the menu points to will. Following God is not always easy, and sometimes God places us in situations to see if we are following Him, or something else - such as a tradition, a set discipline of activity, a particular church, denomination, a favorite group of friends, a person, an idea, a money-trail, etc. Jim also emphasizes that God is not a "belief system", but rather a living spiritual being. Too often people feel that if they can just get the "correct doctrine" or adopt a list of right beliefs about God, that they will own God. It's like a married man who knows everything about his wife, but is not emotionally connected to her and doesn't spend any intimate time with her. God wants us to be emotionally and spiritually connected to Him as we journey through this life on earth.

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