This blog is a place where everyone can post their concerns about God, same-sex attraction / gay orientations, ex-gay ministry, or even ex-ex gay ministry. We are interested in what people genuinely think and feel on the inside, not necessarily what they are told to think or feel. Praying, Sharing and researching are all vital tools in bringing clarity to the topic of same-sex attraction. The blog is to look at same-sex attraction from every angle : scientific, biochemical, spiritually, morally, emotionally, politically, socially, denial issues, toxic reactions, appropriate responding, healthy living, pursuing sexual purity, acceptance of being created as a sexual being, abusive behaviors, etc. Feel free to post your ideas and internet links, so we can view them. Ideally we would like to collect the feedback to create a book about the reality of same-sex attraction. We are also interested in creating a framework that churches could use in their churches, so men and women with same-sex attraction can be real as well as embraced in their churches while walking through life with Christ. We are overwhelmed at the millions of men and women with same-sex attraction who have to sit quietly every Sunday at church, without being able to share with anyone how they really feel inside. Fake fellowship is the death to spiritual growth, and real fellowship (being genuine with what is really going on inside) is the path to emotional health and spiritual growth. God's got a better plan for the church and that involves creating a place where ALL people can share what is taking place on the inside. With that said, this blog is created to make a positive and lasting change in the both the church and the world. This blog is to focus primarily on same-sex attraction (something the Bible is silent about), not forbidden types of sexual activity (which the Bible addresses). All subjects are considered, but we would like to focus on living a healthy life in Christ as a person who is aware of the issue of same-sex attraction in their lives, and not as a person who pretends same-sex attraction is non-existent. MJH

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Below is an article on Galileo. He was persecuted by the Church and thrown in prison for proclaiming that the church world was wrong about a particular issue. At that time (1600's), the Church world believed that the earth was the center of the universe, and that the sun revolved around the earth. Galileo created a telescope that proved that the earth revolved around the Sun and that the earth was not the center of the universe. 400 years later,the church apologizes for making a horrible mistake. The Pope is now interested in bridging the gap between religion and science. View the article below:

Another case of church blunder was during the 1500's, when the conquistador's arrived in South America to bring Christ to the Inca's. Instead of imparting the life of Christ into a community and teaching them the ways of Christ, it ended up in disaster. The conquistador's gave the Inca Ruler an ultimatum: Accept Christ now, or we will murder you. (Not exactly what Jesus had in mind). Atahualpa (the Inca ruler) was handed a Bible and he didn't even know what a book was nor how to read the text in the book. He tossed it to the ground and the Conquistadors believed this was evidence enough that the Inca ruler had rejected they murdered him and thousands of Incas. Sounds real spiritual ? To learn more about this Church blunder you can visit the following Webquest:

Another Church blunder took place during the Salem Witch Trials in the late 1600's where innocent people were falsely accused and hanged. After the death of these innocent people, Salem apologized for their puritanical blunder and even recompensed the families of the victims with money. Shockingly, with today's technology, scientists discovered that it was a fungus that was growing on the food they were eating which caused the radical behavior in the so called "witches". The fungus known as ergot is known to create muscle spasms, vomiting, delusions and hallucinations which some of these "witches" were manifesting . What looked like demon possession was microscopic fungus at work. This isn't to say that there are not demonic forces in the world, but many behaviors that people demonstrate may have a strong link to the micro-biotic world. (The study of nanotechnology is creating great breakthroughs in the realm of human biochemistry). Below is a link to the Salem Witch Trials and the story of the ergot fungus.

The point of these examples is that when the church is wrong, it is God's will for us to stand up and say something - not sit in silence or "passive obedience".

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