This blog is a place where everyone can post their concerns about God, same-sex attraction / gay orientations, ex-gay ministry, or even ex-ex gay ministry. We are interested in what people genuinely think and feel on the inside, not necessarily what they are told to think or feel. Praying, Sharing and researching are all vital tools in bringing clarity to the topic of same-sex attraction. The blog is to look at same-sex attraction from every angle : scientific, biochemical, spiritually, morally, emotionally, politically, socially, denial issues, toxic reactions, appropriate responding, healthy living, pursuing sexual purity, acceptance of being created as a sexual being, abusive behaviors, etc. Feel free to post your ideas and internet links, so we can view them. Ideally we would like to collect the feedback to create a book about the reality of same-sex attraction. We are also interested in creating a framework that churches could use in their churches, so men and women with same-sex attraction can be real as well as embraced in their churches while walking through life with Christ. We are overwhelmed at the millions of men and women with same-sex attraction who have to sit quietly every Sunday at church, without being able to share with anyone how they really feel inside. Fake fellowship is the death to spiritual growth, and real fellowship (being genuine with what is really going on inside) is the path to emotional health and spiritual growth. God's got a better plan for the church and that involves creating a place where ALL people can share what is taking place on the inside. With that said, this blog is created to make a positive and lasting change in the both the church and the world. This blog is to focus primarily on same-sex attraction (something the Bible is silent about), not forbidden types of sexual activity (which the Bible addresses). All subjects are considered, but we would like to focus on living a healthy life in Christ as a person who is aware of the issue of same-sex attraction in their lives, and not as a person who pretends same-sex attraction is non-existent. MJH

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Below is a link about Bible Translations. It's a bit eye opening for those who do not understand the "behind the scenes" of Bible Translations. When I was in Bible School 30 years ago, I learned that the KING JAMES VERSION of the Bible actually had 1,000 minor mis-translations. This was a big concern to Bible Scholars and so that is why we now have the "NEW" KING JAMES VERSION being sold today at Bible bookstores. What is shocking,however, is that the KING JAMES VERSION (not the "New" one ) is still being sold to the public in truck loads. You may ask why ?..The answer is simple - supply and demand. Many people are not interested in "truth", but rather in what is popular, traditional, or being marketed by a person or place with money. When I was at the Bible bookstore this year, I asked what percentage of King James Bibles were being sold by the store. To my horror,they said 30 percent of all the Bibles they sell are the old King James Version. I couldn't believe it ! But the reality is that it sells like hotcakes.....So you may ask why the old King James Version is so out-dated and inaccurate. Let me share with you an example of just one of the mistranslations: One verse quotes: "Be ye therefore Perfect, even as your heavenly Father is perfect". The word "Perfect" here actually means "mature" in the original Greek. It has nothing to do with being perfect or perfectionism. God is calling his children to grow up and be mature as he is". As many people know, perfectionism can be demonic - a state where there is no grace, no mercy and no room for any mistakes. Living in an environment where a person feels they can not make a single mistake is living under a cloud of fear -something that God clearly states we are not to be controlled or domintated by. "For God has not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, love , and a sound mind". ....So yes, one mistranslated verse can send a very wrong message and mess up a person for life - and this is just one misstranslation out of 1.000 ! Anyway, I've said enough - enjoy the link below:

You may also want to google : "inacurate Bible translations" or visit Wikipedia on "Bible translations or Bible translations-inacurate", to see what others are saying about the topic.

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